Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day Sixteen - Gettin' My Daily

I got the tree leaves and flower at Evergreen Memorial Gardens, at 100 Monroe Blvd. Ogden, UT. I never know what I'm going to find there. On the East side there is a ditch that has a lot of thing to photograph around it. The architectural detail I found on Adam Ave., between 27th and 28th street. I know it looks pretty rough, but really like the texture, and the colors.


  1. Architectural detail shot? Woof! Look at the texture. Look at the echoing diagonal lines, the echoing horizontal lines, the triangles, the colors, the repeating forms of the shingles. Good stuff. Well composed. -- Carol Leigh

  2. Thanks Carol,

    I have a great teacher who teaches me how to do this stuff.
